Discover the 6 Types of Extraction in Pharmacognosy

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Blog - Discover the 6 Types of Extraction in Pharmacognosy

Pharmacognostic processes are about the study of medicines or drugs made from natural resources, such as plants, animals, and even microbes. This knowledge field involves evaluating the drugs’ chemical, biological, biochemical, and physical properties. 

To acquire the desired natural products from crude materials in drug manufacturing, extraction is needed. There are six modern methods of extraction in pharmacognosy:

– Maceration

– Infusion

– Digestion

– Decoction

– Percolation 

– Soxhlet hot continuous extraction

Let’s expound on each of them.

MacerationFor days, crude drug within a solvent is soaked at room temperature levels. 
InfusionUsing hot or cold water for soaking for a shorter period prior to straining. 
DigestionSimilar to maceration but applying gentle heat.
DecoctionThe crude drug is boiled in water for a certain amount of time prior to straining. 
PercolationSlow passage of solvent via powdered drug for complete extraction.
Soxhlet Hot Continuous ExtractionContinuous reflux of solvent to ensure thorough extraction.

1. Maceration

This particular process involves placing a sufficient amount of its solvent into the coarsely powdered crude drug using a stoppered container. 

This step is followed by frequent agitation for at least three days under room temperature, until the dissolution of its soluble contents. 

Then, decantation or filtration is performed after a period of standing, followed by clarifying the liquids by separating the damp solid material, or the marc. Hence, the term of this process.

2. Infusion

Meanwhile, this process should not be difficult to carry out. With the use of cold or boiling water, the maceration of the crude drug takes place, but only for a short while to produce the freshest infusions. Then, water-soluble drugs get diluted into these solutions.

3. Digestion Extraction

This digestion extraction method uses gentle heat to keep proceeding to the maceration. Temperatures are moderately elevated to suit the requirements of this method. The resulting output is a menstruum or the solvent utilized for drug extraction featuring a higher solvent efficiency.

The next three processes are a bit complex.

4. Decoction

In the decoction process, which may have stemmed from the term “concoction,” the raw drugs are boiled for a consistent amount within a particular volume of water. The cooling and filtration processes then follow suit. 

These methods extract a water-soluble and heat-stable constituent. Kawath, an Ayurvedic extract used for general drug manufacturing, is prepared in this process still. 

During the process of extraction, the crude drug’s volume is reduced to just a fourth of its original volume through boiling. The dense extract is then filtered, is directly used, or continues in the production line.

5. Percolation

Fifth is percolation which requires a narrow, conical vessel featuring a hole at either end, known as the percolator. Tightly closed, it shall house the moistened solid ingredients with a certain level of menstruum. At the top of the percolator, the ingredients are packed and closed.

Afterward, more menstruum covers the mass to form a shallow layer before another maceration process happens in the closed percolator for 24 hours.

From the outlet of the equipment, a slow liquid drip is let through, but after it has been opened. Additional menstruum will be added to dilute the percolate. It should measure around three-quarters of the completed volume.

The marc is pressed to prepare the percolate before adding in the expressed liquid. Finally, the liquid is clarified via filtration, or standing and decanting, provided that the amount of menstruum is enough. Without this process, the active ingredients won’t be extracted.

6. Soxhlet Hot Continuous Extraction

The last type in this list of modern methods of extraction in pharmacognosy is the Soxhlet hot continuous extraction. In this process, coarsely ground raw drugs get filled in a porous bag also known as a thimble. Then, they are placed inside a Soxhlet apparatus’ chamber. 

Inside the flask, the menstruum is heated to process the vapor, which then passes through the condenser where the condensation takes place. Once the menstruum is condensed, it is allowed to drip on the thimble where the raw drug. The extraction ensues because of this contact.

After which, the liquid in the chamber shall then be siphoned into the flask once the siphon tube’s level reaches the top. This process continues until a solvent drop coming from the siphon tube evaporates without the residue.

But remember, a much tinier amount of solvent is needed to extract large quantities of the drug, which is why this is the best choice among the various types of extraction in pharmacognosy.

Efficiency in Drug Extraction With Canaan

Achieve a better level of efficiency with Canaan’s equipment and products for drug extraction. Serving over 60 countries and regions, Canaan is built on a process with a firm mission, clear vision, and a culture of love. You also won’t regret investing in their machines because the brand also champions social responsibility. Ensure your drug extraction process is at its finest. Talk to the Canaan team now for more information.


Extraction Methods in Pharmacy

What is Pharmacognosy?

Extraction Product – Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment

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