Axlat qutisi va baraban mahsuloti

Farmatsevtika uskunalarining keng qamrovli assortimentiga ega

Uy - Mahsulot - Axlat va baraban

Oldindan davolash

Materiallarga ishlov berish



Kapsül to'ldirish mashinalari

Tablet press


Materiallarga ishlov berish
Material Handling System (MHS) in pharmaceutical manufacturing refers to the integrated set of equipment, procedures, and controls designed to safely, efficiently, and hygienically transport, store, weigh, dispense, and manage raw materials, intermediates, and finished products throughout the production process.
Canaan could provide material handling system interluding blenders, lifters, conveying system (AGV), and containers like bins and drums. Our equipment has various types and models could suitable for different capacity requirements and processes in different site. The equipment are widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, chemical industries.
Our equipment have advantages of
-Labour saving
-Easy and safe operation
-Easy maintenance
- Kamroq moddiy yo'qotish
-Meet FDA/GMP requirements
Hammasi Blender Ko'taruvchi Materiallarni uzatish Axlat va baraban
LT seriyali baraban
LDS Pharma Bin
LDPF kvadrat planshetlar qutisi
LDF Squaer IBC qutisi
LDC dumaloq IBC qutisi
LDZ seriyali dori qutisi
LDT Pharma Bin